Welcome To OSAWA

How people deal with difficulties like lime scale and hard water is changing thanks to Osawa Water Conditioner. Water softeners waste a lot of water and release brine, raising environmental issues. Less than 2.59 percent of the remaining water on Earth is regarded as “fresh,” and the majority of this water is encased in icecaps and glaciers.
Established in the year 2013, at Kaithal (Haryana), we “Osawa Water Conditioner” are recognized as the trustworthy manufacturer and supplier of a comprehensive assortment of Magnetic Water Conditioner under the brand name “Osawa Water Conditioner”. Utilising magnetic technology, which has been studied and acknowledged in the literature since the turn of the 19th century, we provide a water conditioner. Our knowledgeable team of professionals processes the items in accordance with the established international quality standards utilising the highest grade chemicals and cutting-edge technologies. We are not simply here to sell you some equipment; we are here to help you solve your hard water problems.
We are aware of your worries and will do everything in our power to help you achieve the best result under the circumstances.

How people deal with difficulties like lime scale and hard water is changing thanks to Osawa Water Conditioner. Water softeners waste a lot of water and release brine, raising environmental issues. Less than 2.59 percent of the remaining water on Earth is regarded as “fresh,” and the majority of this water is encased in icecaps and glaciers.
Established in the year 2010, at Kaithal (Haryana), we “Osawa Water Conditioner” are recognized as the trustworthy manufacturer and supplier of a comprehensive assortment of Magnetic Water Conditioner under the brand name “Osawa Water Conditioner”. Utilising magnetic technology, which has been studied and acknowledged in the literature since the turn of the 19th century, we provide a water conditioner. Our knowledgeable team of professionals processes the items in accordance with the established international quality standards utilising the highest grade chemicals and cutting-edge technologies. We are not simply here to sell you some equipment; we are here to help you solve your hard water problems.
We are aware of your worries and will do everything in our power to help you achieve the best result under the circumstances.

Water Conditioner

Ultrasonic Cleaner

Ultrasonic Cleaner

Flamingo Algae Cleaner

Osawa Water Conditioner

No Salt

Salt free alternative water conditioner saves water and won’t pollute our precious water supply

No Chemical

Sustainable, salt and chemical-free water conditioner saves water and won’t pollute our precious water supply

No Maintainance

Substantial savings on labor, salt and repairs associated with water softeners.

Fit & Forget

Our affordable, eco-friendly solution is efficient and provides best result. No longer need to repair again and again.

Our Mission

Our goal is to provide sales, service, and installation of household, agricultural, and industrial SNV conditioners in order to assist in the solution of hard water issues in households, businesses, and industrial applications.

Our Vision

To provide the best goods and post-sale service in order to tackle the hard water issues that India’s homes, businesses, and industry are facing.


Irrigated crops will thrive, not just survive – even in sub-standard and less water using Water Conditioners Softeners.
Industrial appliances will last longer, use less energy and require less maintenance with Water Softeners.
Water Conditioner Softener ensures good health, is cost effective & enhances life of fittings & surroundings
All commercial buildings can fall victim to hard water damage from limescale formation.
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Osawa Water Conditioner से होने वाले फ़ायदे

पानी की हार्डनेस काम होती है !

Water Conditioner पानी की हार्डनेस को कम करने की प्रक्रिया को सुधारता है। यह एक उपकरण होता है जो पानी में मौजूद अतिरिक्त मिनरल्स और धातुओं को निकालने में मदद करता है।

ज़मीन उपजाऊ होती है !

Water Conditioner जमीन की उपजाऊता को बढ़ाने की प्रक्रिया को सुधारता है। यह जल संरक्षण और पृथ्वी की उपजाऊता को संतुलित करने में मदद करता है।

ड्रिप लाईनो की समस्या कम हो जाती है !

Water Conditioner पाईप में सोरा नहीं जमने देता है जिससे ड्रिप लाईन की समस्या नहीं रहती है।

पाइपों में जंग लगने से बचाता है !

Water Conditioner में एक जंग रोकने का मेकेनिज्म होता है। यह जंग को अवरोधित करके पाइपों की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करता है।

Osawa Water Conditioner आपके घर और आपके खेतों के लिए

Water Conditioner बहुत ही Advance Technology के साथ तैयार किये जाते हैं ! पाईप के ऊपर वायर लपेटकर असंख्य विद्युत लहर का निर्माण किया जाता है ! इस विद्युत लहर से पानी मे होने वाले क्षार को अतिसूक्ष्म स्वरूप मे रूपांतर किया जाता है ! जिससे क्षार की एक दुसरे से चिपक के बैठने की प्रॉपर्टी को खतम कर देता है !

Water Conditioner  12 Watt DC पर चलता है और अगर बिजली की सुविधा नहीं है तो मात्र 1500 Rs के खर्च में हम सोलर प्लेट लगाकर इसको चला देंगे !

  • Water Conditioner आपका पानी चैक करने के बाद ही तैयार किया जाता है !
  • पानी चैक करने के लिए एक लिटर पानी की जरूरत पड़ती है !
  • ये Water Conditioner बिलकुल मेंटेनन्स फ्री है !
  • कोई भी किसान अपने खेत मे वायरमैन की सहायता से Water Conditioner इन्स्टॉल कर सकता है !
  • इससे पानी के TDS में कोई बदलाव नहीं आता है ! Water Conditioner के माध्यम से हम कोई भी केमिकल्स पानी मे नही मिलाते है !
  • कमर्शियल RO से पहले Water Conditioner लगाने से मेम्ब्रेन और RO की लाइफ बढ़ जाएगी !

Osawa Water Conditioner में इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली टेक्नोलॉजी

Osawa Water Conditioner में चार टेक्नोलॉजी ( E + M + P + C )इस्तेमाल की जाती है! 

  • मग्नेटिक
  • पल्स फ्रिक्वेन्सी
  • कैटलिटिक डायनामिक्स
कैटलिटिक डायनामिक्स को स्टॅटिक करंट कहा जाता है जिसको अर्थिंग की सहाय्यता से जमीन मै छोड दिया जाता है ! इससे क्षार मे होने वाले धन या ऋणभार न्यूट्रल हो जाता है
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 We understand that every customer’s water conditioning needs are unique. That’s why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you need a residential, commercial, or industrial water treatment system, our experienced team will work closely with you to design and deliver a solution that exceeds your expectations.

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